Some people don't take cancer lying down–they kick it in the teeth with a pair of walking shoes.
My sister-in-law is training for the Susan B. Komen Three Day Walk. She’s a breast cancer survivor, a rather recent one in fact, and doing this has got her “in the best shape of her life” following surgery and radiation.
Somehow, with Linda, I’m just never surprised.
She is just an amazing human who’s always impressed me with her courage and tenacity. She and her husband are part-time Mauians, and she’s over here doing appliance upgrades on their condo (a former electrician and currently a project manager for construction, she is the kind of woman who actually knows how to do these things) and she asked me to walk a mere 5 miles to help her keep her training up while she’s here. (Recently, she, my other sister-in-law Kathi, and my niece Paige got up to 21 miles in a day!)
So, today I did five miles. Here are photos from the day. Five miles on the beach kicked my butt. I have a whole new respect for people who not only survive cancer but kick it in the teeth with a pair of walking shoes.
I did not take a picture of us at the end. I was too hot, sweaty and windblown. (Especially after my husband drove us back to her condo complex and I rode in the back of the pickup.)
I love this cause. Check it out. Visit Linda's page here to read her story and support it.
We all know someone who's had cancer, and many of them aren't here anymore. Consider supporting. Walk a mile or five in a cancer survivor's shoes.
Good for you, Toby. Yes, I know breast cancer survivors and I’d love to see more of them.
Thanks Greta.It’s great to participate in something–I think it gives hope, and hope heals us.
I walked in the 3-day the first year that it was to support Komen. It kicked my ass, even with some serious training time put in. I pulled all of the stabilization muscles in my ankles on day 1 – and walked the rest anyway. Oh, and the one in the Bay Area, where I lived at the time? It ENDS in San Francisco. Yep, day 3, meet HILLS. But it was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. THOUSANDS of people coming together with one goal. The support staff were absolutely amazing. Total strangers stopping to offer you a drink of water or just words of encouragement in the middle of the day. EVERYONE was in tears at the final ceremony. I’ve never felt like such a part of anything before.
My grandmother had breast cancer twice. And she kicked its ass both times. She is incredibly inspiring – and I pray that I will never have to go through what she did.
How wonderful, thanks so much for sharing that story. I hope to participate one of these years–not in shape enough to do this one, by a long shot!
Yes I know three people who had cancer. One had a large tumor, the other had some kind of stomach cancer and my grandmother who had colon cancer and was given less then a month to live. All three of these women who were given no hope from American doctors went to Hoxsey clinic in Mexico and were treated with herbs. All three survived and went on to live very healthy lives. In fact my grandmother who was in her 70’s at the time went on to live another 20 years.
No one will look into this. I don’t understand why. In fact nobody responds to me when I tell them this. I guess they don’t want to say “Karen your nuts.” They will say that they would rather trust their “Team” of doctors and be radiated.
I understand why people make “Safe” choices and I have friends who went the Chemo route. In fact a dear friend of mine just beat Brest Cancer that way. Thank goodness. But I wish that people would just look in to it. Read about the survivors and the treatment.
I’m happy for you and your sister. That she survived must bring tears to your eyes when you look at her knowing that at that particular moment she may not have been standing before you. Here’s wishing her a long and happy life.
Thanks Karen. Yes, there are many things under the earth and sky we don’t understand… Thanks for sharing, for the alternative perspective.
So inspiring, both of you!!!
Ha, you showed the way, my friend!