Training sled dogs in Hawaii (Day Three of Training for a Big Hike.)
I have two dogs and
they are eager to hike, in fact they
like to think they tow me
like something more than the
thirteen-pound yappers they are.
It's me training alone today as Mike
perches on the cliff taking pictures of
the big waves of Jaws.
I do 3.5 miles with the help of the hounds
and find
that sled dog commands
“Hike!: Get moving (“Mush” and “All Right” are sometimes also used).
• Kissing sound: Speed up, faster.
• Gee!: Turn to the right.
• Haw!: Turn to the left.
• Easy!: Slow down.
• Whoa: Stop.”
have no visible effect, whatsoever.
They don't know yet that
they can't come on the hike. I know
the couch will never be the same when
they find out.
Thanks for the smile, Toby. I can just see your “sled dogs “towing you along the trail. I’m currently boarding a 54 pound Feist who can pull like a John Deere tractor. And my dog Cochise, a 70 pound bull dog, who has finally learned to walk with me not drag me up the mountain trails. They can be so much fun. No way could I walk them together – unless I DID have a sled!