The Beauty Venture: seeds. Day Three. by Toby Neal.
I love seeds.
I made it a practice this last year to try to have a completely free, sustainable garden by harvesting my own seeds and collecting my chickens' poo. This learning process ended up sparking a chapter in my (as yet unpublished) Young Adult novel, Path of Island Fire.
In the book, two kids living on Lanai are supplementing their food with homegrown produce, and collect seeds from each crop. This turns out to be important, as a natural disaster occurs, wiping out all technology. . . and the kids have seeds.
Precious seeds. Seeds of food, survival, possibility.
I love that all the potential for everything that a mature tree or plant will become is contained in a seed. Gather some. Meditate on this. It's a kind of beauty venture that keeps on giving.
“From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow.” Aeschylus
Here's a seed company I like to support–organic, responsible: Seeds of Change. Check 'em out, and consider never buying seed again after that first time. It's a wonderful feeling.
Seeds are beautiful potential.
I love the thought of how incredibly much potential is contained within one tiny seed. Something I should think about more as I fall into the depressive phase of this current cycle (and I strongly suspect that having these beautiful thoughts and images turn up in my inbox every evening is going to be quite a help with that).
Thanks Shalora. Indeed, I hope they lift your mood just a little. Much aloha!