What order should I read Toby Neal books in?
After the question about “where to begin?” comes, what ORDER should I read the Toby Neal book series in?
Lots of readers dislike being confused about timelines and the progression of a series. I feel the same way!
So we anticipated this, and created an ongoing, constantly updated Google Document list complete with links to the books at your favorite bookstores so you will never be confused again.
Seriously. ALL OF THE BOOKS. Mystery, Thriller, Romance, Memoir and a few standalones you might have missed are ALL in the Reading list! Click on the icon below to scroll through. You can even download it as a graphic, and check the boxes of the ones you've read (and still have to read!)
Still confused, or want more info?
You can browse the headers above and look at the covers and descriptions of each series for TOBY NEAL (mystery thriller) TOBY JANE (romance) or TW NEAL (memoirs)
Hope you found all you needed…pop a comment below and let me know if I can help you further!
Aloha from the embarrassingly prolific
Toby Neal