Toby Neal
Award winning, USA Today Bestselling Author
Toby Neal grew up on the island of Kaua`i in Hawaii. After a few “stretches of exile” to pursue education, the islands have been home for the last fifteen years.
Toby is a mental health therapist, a career that has informed the depth and complexity of the characters in her books. Outside of work and writing, Toby volunteers in a nonprofit for children and enjoys life in Hawaii through beach walking, body boarding, scuba diving, photography, and hiking.
In addition to her writing Toby, coaches authors on a limited basis. If interested, see her Author Coaching page.
Contact Toby Neal
Award Winning, Usa Today Bestselling Author
Media Kit
In the media
The Creative Penn
How To Write High-Volume Fiction In A Sustainable Way With Toby Neal
Keeping a Series Fresh
The best way to earn money as an indie fiction author is with a series, but how do you keep that series fresh over the long term? Joanna Penn, of <em>The Creative Penn</em>, discussed this topic and the importance of setting with Hawaii-based author, Toby...
Hawaii's Amazon Queen
Ilima Loomis interviews Maui author Toby Neal on how she "makes a killing" in self publishing Hawaii mysteries.