Where do you get your ideas?

Where do you get your ideas? People ask me this a lot. Seven books into my series (two not yet released) it’s actually become a little challenging to come up with new and original crime scenarios. I’ve included a lot of crimes in the Lei Crime Series ™, from the...

On Bandits and Philanthropists

I woke up this morning thinking about razors. Specifically, about razors for a homeless teen… along with soap, shampoo, a toothbrush and food for his cat. But first I have to back up and share a post from pundit Seth Godin. (He's the one to come up with the catchy...

Idea Mining

Idea mining. It's a whole new way to work, and it involves taking naps. After my daughter left for University and my son moved out, there was a void in my life. Yes, yes, I know, the infamous Empty Nest. I was aware of this syndrome, and being me, I had a plan—I was...

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