Why this mystery writer writes romance

Why would a mystery writer who’s already successful decide to switch genres? I’m so excited and pleased to get these luscious take-me-away stories out to you, but it’s been a bit of a journey. First of all, the question I keep getting: Why would a mystery writer who’s...

Married to a #Writer: Part 1 by Thomas K. Matthews

Yesterday I totally enjoyed this post on ShelfPleasure by Holly Robinson: Pity the Poor Writer's Husband. I chuckled and decided I wanted to write up my version, and knew just the “male perspective” writer to ask to guest blog about his longsuffering...

The gift of insomnia

Last night I had insomnia. This is not all that unusual; as a ‘thinker’ I am unduly burdened by brain processing, and I’d been knocked out all last week by a cold and resulting cold medicine, and last night was the first time I went to bed without chemical help. Even...

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