Top Twenty Regrets from the Teen Years

I’m working on a new book: a YA mystery. In the course of getting back into the head of my angst-ridden sixteen-year old character, I asked a question on my Facebook page: “What is one mistake you made as a teen that you regret?” Here are the top twenty regrets from...

Seven things I’ve learned.

Seven things I've learned so far in 2012: (Only seven. Last year it was ten, the year before, twenty. I'm getting shorter as I age) Be a person of your word. It decreases stress and increases quality of life, even when it hurts sometimes. Take naps every day if you...

Twenty Things I’ve Learned

Twenty Things I’ve Learned: My friend, the lovely, talented and funny writer Tee Tyson, recently did a Things I’ve Learned vlog: If you haven’t watched it, you should! I laughed at several and mulled over others, and it gave me pause to think on what I’ve learned, at...

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