by toby | Jan 6, 2017 | Conservation, Local, The Writing Life
What inspires an author? I—along with most writers—am often asked this question. Some are inspired by an image or a piece of art, while others feel stories emerge out of the places they’ve been. Writers’ stories can stem from their personal experiences, their work, or...
by toby | Sep 21, 2016 | The Writing Life
Seven characteristics of successful writers cannot be taught—but they can be learned and developed until they become the habits that are the bedrock of a successful artist practice in any field. The successful writer is a keen observer of everything around him....
by toby | Aug 1, 2016 | Life
Five reasons procrastination is a valid coping strategy took form in my thoughts as my co-authoring partner, Emily Kimelman, and I deferred, for the third time, a difficult task we needed tackle involving coordinating a day-by-day timeline of the plot of our series...
by toby | Jul 19, 2016 | Social Media, The Writing Life
If you have a book out, you’re looking for effective author marketing tools. What happens when you do a search for those keywords — ‘book marketing tools?’ About 9,200,000 results (0.29 seconds) A whole industry has exploded in recent years with the growth in...
by toby | Mar 9, 2016 | The Writing Life
I have the most gloriously overqualified assistant ever. Two years ago, another author friend, Christine Nolfi, heard I was looking for someone to help me manage the increasingly overwhelming demands of my self-publishing career. She gave me her sister's name. Tricia...