Okay, maybe it's not bestselling yet. Or even out yet. But I'm a positive thinker, and things are well underway for my sequel Torch Ginger's launch in March.

I'm married to a professional photographer, Renaissance Man, and he took the orchid photos that were used by designer Monica Gurevich of Julie Metz Design  to develop my outstanding Blood Orchids cover. I plan to keep this dynamic team going through subsequent covers, because a book IS judged by its cover–therefore, mine are going to be awesome.

Our family set out for a bit of post-Christmas vacation on the Hana Coast, and stopped at the Keanae Arboretum to take photos of the biggest, most beautiful torch gingers we could find–and contrary to popular belief, these unique flowers aren't growing on every streetcorner. (Click on any of the below images for full size)


It was an overcast day, threatening rain. Of course we had rubber slippers on and no umbrellas or other raingear. We employed a two-person “flower propping” team: one person holding the blossom in position, while another family member held a black drape up behind it and Mike gave direction (mostly, “A little to the left. Hold that flower still! No laughing!”)

Bugs crawled around. I had a squirt bottle and blew them off. Mud migrated. Tourists stared. And then the rain started up. This proved too much for our intrepid photography team in the end, and we ran for the cars as the heavens opened up above us.

But I think we “got the shot.” Not only that, no flowers were injured during this event.




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