Seven things I’ve learned.

Seven things I've learned so far in 2012: (Only seven. Last year it was ten, the year before, twenty. I'm getting shorter as I age) Be a person of your word. It decreases stress and increases quality of life, even when it hurts sometimes. Take naps every day if you...

What’s your creative process?

What's your creative process? The creative process is a little different for everyone, sure. For me, it’s connected to daydreaming, and then making and doing stuff. Yeah, I know. Real scientific. I'm in week three of my New Life with mornings free to write, and...

How to raise creative kids.

I grew up on Kauai in Hawaii in the 1970’s, a hippie child with few possessions and no TV. I firmly believe that free time in nature along with a lot of reading, provided the right soil for a creative mind. As a kid I made my own board games, built tree forts,...

The next big thing

So, here's the plan: 1.  Answer the following ten questions about a current WIP. 2.  Tag five other writers and link their blogs so we can all hop over and read their answers. It's that simple. 1.] What is the title of your book?  Torch Ginger. It's called that for a...

Is the blog tour dead?

Is the blog tour dead? Do blog tours actually work to generate book sales? A few days ago I asked: is anyone reading blogs? It was another way of asking the same question, but broader. And the results were fascinating. First of all, I had more blog hits than anything...

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