by toby | Aug 18, 2012 | The Writing Life
Following your dreams and doing your purpose while living in the shadow of mortality is what makes life sweet. We had a rough year in 2011. My husband’s health was in crisis, and the whole year we were in “survival mode”—me working three jobs to keep the boat afloat,...
by toby | Aug 13, 2012 | Life
Seven things I've learned so far in 2012: (Only seven. Last year it was ten, the year before, twenty. I'm getting shorter as I age) Be a person of your word. It decreases stress and increases quality of life, even when it hurts sometimes. Take naps every day if you...
by toby | May 8, 2012 | Life
“Grown here, not flown here.” Integration in Hawaii: is there such a thing? The mystery that is the social strata of life in Hawaii is something I’m exploring in my Lei books, something that’s so complex, multilayered, multiethnic, and fraught with...
by toby | Apr 19, 2012 | Life
I woke up this morning thinking about razors. Specifically, about razors for a homeless teen… along with soap, shampoo, a toothbrush and food for his cat. But first I have to back up and share a post from pundit Seth Godin. (He's the one to come up with the catchy...
by toby | Mar 17, 2012 | Life
When you grow up in a place like Kaua`i, it does something to you. The island's enchantment ruins everywhere else. I call it being corrupted by beauty. This can be difficult, because ever after you try to find a way to live in a place people visit on vacation, and...