Seven things I've learned so far in 2012:

(Only seven. Last year it was ten, the year before, twenty. I'm getting shorter as I age)

  • Be a person of your word. It decreases stress and increases quality of life, even when it hurts sometimes.
  • Take naps every day if you can get away with it. Numerous health benefits–those Europeans have a good thing going!
  • Even the greatest distress/discomfort/pain/heartbreak passes. Do not lose a minute of the time you DO have in fear of what you MIGHT have.
  • Exercise every day. Nuff said.
  • Take a risk in love–have pets. Yes, they can break your heart. So can a lot of things. Pets, especially dogs and cats, give back way more than they take.
  • Make time for friendship. It's surprising how many of us get isolated without meaning to.
  • Revel in music. All kinds. Participate in it if you can.

Taking risks increases the joy of being alive.




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