Father’s Day Mixed Feelings

I  have Father’s Day mixed feelings. I married a man who has been a great father—no, not perfect.  But he’s been steady, sacrificing, protective, hard-working, generous, committed, always there for the kids through their many stages, phases and challenges. When...

Eight ways to savor alone time.

Eight Ways to Savor Alone Time My husband is on a service and photography trip to Nicaragua, and we have the kind of marriage where we happily let each other do our own thing. I kissed him a quick public goodbye in the middle of an artist party and he drove himself to...

Seven things I’ve learned.

Seven things I've learned so far in 2012: (Only seven. Last year it was ten, the year before, twenty. I'm getting shorter as I age) Be a person of your word. It decreases stress and increases quality of life, even when it hurts sometimes. Take naps every day if you...

Kicking cancer in the teeth with walking shoes.

Some people don't take cancer lying down–they kick it in the teeth with a pair of walking shoes. My sister-in-law is training for the Susan B. Komen Three Day Walk. She’s a breast cancer survivor, a rather recent one in fact, and doing this has got her “in the...

How to raise creative kids.

I grew up on Kauai in Hawaii in the 1970’s, a hippie child with few possessions and no TV. I firmly believe that free time in nature along with a lot of reading, provided the right soil for a creative mind. As a kid I made my own board games, built tree forts,...

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